Trust Friendship Shayari in English

Trust Friendship Shayari in English

Here you will get to read all types of Trust Friendship Shayari in English. Which will make you happy.

Trust Friendship Shayari in English


Never say anything to anyone without any reason.
Keep silent on the words of your heart,
You are in the midst of your loved ones,
After all, who understands you here?

Relationships in this world are not of blood, sir
are of faith if there is faith in the mind
So even strangers start feeling like themselves
Otherwise, behave like your own.

Trust Friendship Shayari in English

We are smart enough to catch their lies immediately,
And their fans are also such that they even believe in them.

How much time have we wasted in life?
For the sake of his happiness, he also populated it,
He only needed a few moments to be with me,
And I fucking devoted my whole life to his name!

Why is there still so much life left in your intentions,
Because the test of your promises is yet to come;
Why has this indifference of yours remained incomplete?
Still your name is left on every part of the heart!

Trust Friendship Shayari in English

The hearts of those who love are often broken,
Hands to hands are often left out,
Whose loyalty you trust,
Often the same Sanam gets angry with us,


Emotional Trust Friendship Shayari in English


If you believe, it is a small word,
It takes him only a second to read,
But if you think it takes minutes,
And understand that, then the day passes,
But it takes a whole life to prove it.

Relationships are not of blood, only of trust,
If you have faith in your mind, then even strangers become your own,
Otherwise, you start behaving like your own aliens.

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The pain behind your laughter, the love behind your anger,
Who can understand the reason behind your silence,
Trust only those who can understand these three things of yours!

Why did he break my heart by breaking my trust?
Why did he leave this world lonely
How will we hide our wounds
The whole market has defamed us!

Trust Friendship Shayari in English

There is a low voice in the silence,
There is a deep secret hidden even in the solitude,
Not everyone meets such good friends here,
We are proud of what you got from us.

O my friend, you continue to be friends with me for the rest of your life,
Never hide anything of the heart from us,
You always walk with me in my sorrow and happiness,
Whenever I go astray, show me the right path!

Faith is found in very few people these days.
If you get faith in a person, then hold his hand forever!

The smell of your love makes me smell
Surely this is not love, you have some magic on me!

Trust Friendship Shayari in English

Fear of betrayal has the greatest effect of two places
People have to be the one who has already been deceived
And others who deceive themselves!

none of us know what might happen the next moment
Still we go on because we have faith,
Because we totally believe in him!

On a person who only agrees with everything about you
Never trust because such people are your first
Win trust and then take advantage of it!

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